Saturday, March 3, 2007
What are arpeggios? 
Arpeggios are chords pluck note by note instead of pressing all at the same time.
When guitarist mention 'play arpeggios', they usually pluck string by string on the chord that they are pressing.
For us bass players, we do the same as well.
As we already know, a chord is formed by pressing root 3rd and 5th together.
So just press note by note of the chord now. e.g G arpeggio - G B D (3rd fret on E string, 2nd fret on A string and 5th fret on A string).
This is useful when your band is playing one bar of G, instead of just holding the G note, you can play the G arpeggio - G B D G.
Now trying going further up the fretboard.
Starting with:
G B D (3rd fret on E string, 2nd fret on A string and 5th fret on A string),
followed by:
G B D G ( 5th fret on the D string, 9th fret on the D string, 7th fret on the G string and 12th fret on the G string).
By doing this exercise, you won't be restricted to just play within the first few frets(obtain different tone) and it also help you to be more familiar with the fretboard.
Try reversing back from the high G ( 12th on the G string) back to the low G ( 3rd fret on the E string).
Have fun!

Arpeggios are chords pluck note by note instead of pressing all at the same time.
When guitarist mention 'play arpeggios', they usually pluck string by string on the chord that they are pressing.
For us bass players, we do the same as well.
As we already know, a chord is formed by pressing root 3rd and 5th together.
So just press note by note of the chord now. e.g G arpeggio - G B D (3rd fret on E string, 2nd fret on A string and 5th fret on A string).
This is useful when your band is playing one bar of G, instead of just holding the G note, you can play the G arpeggio - G B D G.
Now trying going further up the fretboard.
Starting with:
G B D (3rd fret on E string, 2nd fret on A string and 5th fret on A string),
followed by:
G B D G ( 5th fret on the D string, 9th fret on the D string, 7th fret on the G string and 12th fret on the G string).
By doing this exercise, you won't be restricted to just play within the first few frets(obtain different tone) and it also help you to be more familiar with the fretboard.
Try reversing back from the high G ( 12th on the G string) back to the low G ( 3rd fret on the E string).
Have fun!
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